Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas
    Buenos Aires   |  8 de mayo de 2024
Declaration of the Alto Valle Coordinating Committee
Declaration of the Alto Valle Coordinating Committee on the Municipal election in Neuquen City
24 Jan 2003 |

We, the undersigned employed and unemployed workers that are participants
in the Regional Coordinating Committee, reject the electoral trap and denounce these presidential and municipal elections as a manoeuvre by the national, provincial and municipal governments to placate the anger of the workers and the rest of the people, demobilise those in struggle, and hold on to office.

We reaffirm the resolution adopted by the Alto Valle Regional Coordinating body in the plenary that took place on August 10, 2002, following the call for presidential elections made by Duhalde after the assassination of
Dario Santillán and Maximiliano Kosteki, which stated that "we reject the electoral trap and call for direction action to get rid of them all, including the trade union bureaucracy". We call for an end to the truce and for an active rejection of the municipal elections in Neuquen, and for all workers and popular organisations to join in this task.

We understand that unity is built in struggle and cannot be imposed by an electoral timetable, and that the building of a political organisation must emerge in the course of a joint practice and as a result of a serious debate to discuss which policy, which programme and which strategy we need.
For these reasons we understand that participating in the elections would give them a legitimacy that the workers and people have not granted.


M.T.D. Neuquen (Movement of Unemployed Workers of Neuquen)

Rama Salud A.T.E. (Health Branch of the State Workers" Union)

Junta Interna Hospital Castro Rendon (Shop Stewards of Castro RendonHospital)

SOECN/ Comisión Interna Zanon/ Obreros Ceramistas (Shop Stewards Committee, Zanon Workers/ Ceramic Workers" Union)

Agrupación Ambar ATEN (Amber List, State Workers" Union of Neuquen Province)

Ojo Izquierda (Left Eye)

PTS (Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo)

Sindicato de T.V. (Televisión Workers" Union)



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